FEAST 2023



"And it shall come to pass, that everyone who is left of all the NATIONS which came against JERUSLEM shall go up from year to worship the king ,the lord of hosts , and to eep the FEASTE OF TABERNACLES
We welcome you to join us in Israel or online this Succot at the 2024 Feast of Tabernacles. Registrations is now open ! visit :feast.icej.org

Who We Are
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was found and established in Israel in 1980, But The Indian Christian Embassy Jerusalem was found in 2015 and working under ICEJ, Head Quarters as on Evangelical response for the need to comfort Zion according to the command of the scripture found in Isaiah 40: 1-2.
"comfort, comfort my people says your God speak tenderly to Jerusalem..."
To show concern for the Jewish people and especially for the reborn State of Israel, by being a focus of comfort according to Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort O comfort my people says your God”.
To remind and encourage Christians to pray for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.
To be a center where Christians from all over the world can learn what is taking place in this Land and to be rightly related to the nation.
To stimulate Christian leaders, churches and organizations to become an effective influence in their countries on behalf of the Jewish people.
To begin or assist projects in Israel, including economic ventures, for the well-being of all who live here, irrespective of race, background or religion.
To be a reconciling influence between Arabs and Jews.
To represent the concern of millions of Bible-believing Christians who love and honor the Jewish people and who wish to obey the will of God conserving them .

Partner with Us

Volunteer Your Time

Pray for Israel and Get in touch with ICEJ INDIA to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
Door no 77-150-1/7 ,Sundraya Nagar ,vijayawada 520015 Andhra Pradesh India.